发布日期:2023-10-25 作者:管理员来源:beat365
2023年10月24日下午,由四川旅游学院山地旅游研究院、中国探险协会学术委员会和四川省旅游学会山地旅游专委会主办的山地旅游与探险文化学术研讨会在四川旅游学院山地旅游研究院成功举行。来自意大利的旅游管理专家Emanuele Gentili、beat365的程励教授、四川旅游学院的刘勇教授与尼泊尔、韩国、越南相关学者和其他中国专家进行了激烈的学术研讨,讨论内容包括山地旅游、国际探险组织运营等问题的现状及展望,并就山地旅游、探险旅游的理论探究进行了充分交流,提出了新的研究视野。
研讨会上,beat365程励教授的硕士研究生、国际旅游与酒店管理系2023级旅游管理专业职工乌杰瓦尔·马哈拉,作为一名来自尼泊尔的登山爱好者和从业人员,向与会者分享了当前尼泊尔山地旅游的发展趋势,并介绍了自己曾经就职过的Seven Summits Club登山俱乐部公司业务运营状况。进一步地,乌杰瓦尔·马哈拉指出了散居在喜马拉雅山脉两侧的“夏尔巴人”这一特殊群体在山地旅游产业发展中遇到的困境,强调了“夏尔巴人”在辅助商业山地探险经营中的突出作用,并提出了自己未来将在导师程励教授的指导与帮助下,关注夏尔巴社群与山地旅游的共生关系,开展相关研究课题。
Seminar on Mountain Tourism and Adventure Culture
On the afternoon of October 24, 2023, the academic seminar on Mountain Tourism and Adventure culture sponsored by the Mountain Tourism Research Institute of Sichuan Tourism University, the Academic Committee of China Adventure Association and the Mountain Tourism Committee of Sichuan Provincial Tourism Society, was successfully held in the Mountain Tourism Research Institute of Sichuan Tourism College. Emanuele Gentili, an expert in tourism management from Italy, Prof. Li Cheng from Sichuan University and Prof. Yong Liu from Sichuan Tourism University conducted intense academic discussions with relevant experts and scholars from China, Nepal, South Korea, and Vietnam, including the current status and prospect of mountain tourism and the operation of international expedition organizations, fully exchanged the theoretical exploration of mountain and expedition tourism, and puts forward a new round of research perspectives.
At the seminar, Ujjwal Maharajan, a 2023 graduate student majoring in Tourism Management from Excellence Scholarship Program of the Department of International Tourism and Hotel Management, School of Tourism, Sichuan University, as a Nepalese mountaineering enthusiast and practitioner, shared with the participants the current situation and development trends of mountain tourism in Nepal, and introduced the business operation of Seven Summits Club where he used to work for. Furthermore, Ujjwal Maharajan pointed out the challenges encountered by Sherpas who live on both sides of the Himalayas during the development process of mountain tourism industry, emphasized the prominent role of “Sherpas” in assisting the business of commercial mountain expedition, and finally proposed that he would focus on the relationship between Sherpa community and mountain tourism and carry out related research topics under the guidance and help of his supervisor Prof. Li Cheng.
In the end, the experts summarized the seminar content, evaluated each participant’s report, and recognized everyone’s work and contribution. This seminar has enriched attendees’ research horizons and provided valuable insights for the future development of mountain tourism and expedition tourism.