程励,1970年10月生,四川汉源人,电子科技大学博士(管理科学与工程),beat365教授,博士生导师,四川省学术和技术带头人,中国地理学会旅游地理专业委员会副主任,四川省旅游学会学术委员会主任,beat365“美丽中国”研究所执行所长,beat365美丽乡村研究中心秘书长,beat365旅游发展研究所副所长,四川省旅游学会工业遗产与利用专业委员会主任,全英文旅游学术季刊《旅游人类学国际学报》主编(International Journal of Tourism Anthropology,2008~)。研究生招收方向:旅游规划与旅游资源开发(硕博士)、文旅产业与管理(硕博士)、遗产资源开发(硕博士)、旅游企业管理(博士)、灾后人文重建(安全科学与减灾专业,博士,在灾后重建与管理学院招收)。
美国普渡大学旅游研究中心Visiting Professor(2010年),西班牙巴塞罗那大学经济系Visiting Professor(2013年),斯里兰卡乌瓦维拉沙大学荣誉客座教授(2015年),加拿大滑铁卢大学地理与环境管理系CCSEP中加学者(教育部国家留学基金委-加拿大教育局公派资助,2010年-2011年,合作导师为Geoffrey Wall 教授);
担任国际智慧旅游Smart Community Tourism(SCoT) 学术机构的Associate Curators https://scotwebinars.org/ ,SCoT创办人为美国威斯康辛大学圣托特分校的Jafar Jafary教授;
2010年创立旅游及遗产研究跨学科国际联合实验室(International Laboratory for Interdisciplinary Tourism & Heritage Research), 2017年在斯里兰卡乌瓦维拉沙大学发起建立文化与遗产跨学科国际研究中心(International Center for Interdisciplinary Culture Heritage & Tourism Research, SCU-UWU),并担任中方主任;
国际人类学与民族学联合会会员(The International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences,IUAES),日本横断山研究会会员(Hengduan Mountains Club, Japan);
近年出版专著四本、译著一本,截止2024年,已经在国内外发表各类学术论文100余篇,代表性论文发表于Annals of Tourism Research、Tourism Management、Society & Natural Resources、Land Use Policy、Journal of Destination Marketing & Management、Current Issues in Tourism、Tourism Management Perspectives、 Tourism Review、Museum Management and Curatorship、Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research、Journal of Tourism and Cultural Change、Journal of Vacation Marketing等被SSCI和A&HCI检索的著名国际期刊,以及国内《管理世界》、《旅游学刊》、《数量经济与技术经济》、《人文地理》、《旅游科学》等重要期刊上,学术及教学成果获得原国家旅游局二等奖1次、四川省三等奖共计3次。以下为部分代表性学术课题及论著:
1. 主持国家、省部级及国际课题:
美丽乡村旅游社区空间生产研究,国家社科基金后期资助项目, 2021年;
全域旅游系统演化、产业融合与价值共享研究,国家社科基金后期资助项目, 2018年;
The Influence of the Giant Panda Image on the Economic Contribution of Tourism and Related Industries - Evidence from Sichuan Province, P. R. China.UK Government’s Global Opportunities Fund,2008;(英国政府环球机遇基金);
2. 学术专著及译著:
程励 等. 全域旅游系统演化、产业融合与价值共享研究[M].科学出版社,2021年7月;
程励,罗翩. 山地探险旅游及探险者决策过程研究[M].科学出版社,2016年10月
程励,金培. 《创造力:当东方遇到西方》(Creativity: When East Meets West (Edited by Sing Lau, Anna N N Hui and Grace Y C Ng. Singapore, World Scientific Publishing 2004).四川人民出版社,2016年10月(译著,36万字)
3. 部分国际学术论文:
Lijun Liu, Li Cheng*, Xueying Qu. From existential anxiety to post-traumatic growth: The stranded traveler during the pandemic outbreak[J]. Annals of Tourism Research 2023(99) :103548 Corresponding Author
Li Cheng, Lijun Liu. Exploring posttraumatic growth after the COVID-19 pandemic[J]. Tourism Management, 2022(90) ,104474
Xue Zhang, Li Cheng*, Guoshuai Ma. Eliciting eudaimonic well-being in the tourism experiential space: Evidence from online reviews[J]. Tourism Management, 2024(105),104955 Corresponding Author
Li Cheng , Juan Xu. Benefit-sharing and residents’ subjective well-being in rural tourism: An asymmetric approach[J]. Journal of Destination Marketing & Management, 2021(21), 100631
Chunliu Gao, Li Cheng*. Tourism-driven rural spatial restructuring in the metropolitan fringe: An empirical observation[J]. Land Use Policy, 2020, 95(6) :104609 Corresponding Author
W.H.M.S Samarathunga, Li Cheng*.Tourist gaze and beyond: state of the art[J]. Tourism Review, 2021, 76 (2) :344-357 Corresponding Author
W. H.M.S.Samarathunga Li Cheng* P.R.Weerathunga. Transitional domestic tourist gaze in a post-war destination: A case study of Jaffna, Sri Lanka[J]. Tourism Management Perspectives, 2020, 35(7): 100693 Corresponding Author
Li Cheng, Jun Li, Huan Ling, Grece Wei, Mou Lunchao, Geoffrey Wall. Sustainable Livelihoods Following an Extreme Event: Post-earthquake Practices of the Tibetan Community in Jiuzhaigou World Heritage Site, China[J]. Sustainable Development, 2024(Accepted)
Li Cheng, Jiawen Tian. Exploring the Impact of Digital Economy on Tourism Employment[J]. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology,2024(Accepted)
Xiurong Wei, Pian Pu, Cheng, Li Cheng, Haiyue Jiang, Yong Liu.Ethnic community's perception of benefit-sharing and participation intentions in national park tourism in China: An asymmetric modeling approach[J]. Ecological Indicators, 2024(166):112257
Li Cheng, Meiyu Wang, Tingting Wang, Yifan Wang, Xue Zhang, Geoffrey Wall. Authenticity, ethics and restoration of an earthquake-modified landscape: Jiuzhaigou World Natural Heritage Site[J]. Current Issues in Tourism, 2024, DOI10.1080/13683500.2024.2303625
Lunchao Mou, Li Cheng*, Geoffrey Wall. Place making, authenticity and behavioral intentions in a Chinese "ancient" town[J].Tourism Review, 2024, 79 (7) :1330-1360 Corresponding Author
Mengxia Cui, Li Cheng*, Shang, Yufe.The influence of experiencescape of home-based accommodation on tourists' subjective well-being at cultural heritage sites: The role of value co-creation[J].Journal of Destination Marketing & Management, 2024(31), 100845 Corresponding Author
Li Cheng, Pian Pu; Xue Zhang, Meiyu Wang, Tingting Wang, Youhai Lu, Geoffrey Wall. Tourists' psychological reactions and destination attachment following an earthquake in Jiuzhaigou, China[J]. Current Issues in Tourism, 2023,26 (22) :3686-3704
Jun Zhang, Li Cheng*. Post-disaster tourism development and scenario planning for the quality of life of residents[J].Tourism Review, 2023, 78(3): 907-926 Corresponding Author
Pian Pu, Li Cheng*, W Samarathunga, Geoffrey Wall. Tour guides’ sustainable tourism practices in host-guest interactions: when Tibet meets the west[J]. Tourism Review, 2023,78 (3):808-833 Corresponding Author
Chenyue Zhao, Li Cheng*. The influence of visitors' self-protective behaviors on social carrying capacity in museums during the COVID-19 pandemic[J]. Museum Management and Curatorship, 2023,38 (5):513-529 Corresponding Author
Lijun Liu, Xue Zhang, Li Cheng*. Antecedents and Impacts of the Pilgrimage Destination Personality in the Tibetan Region: Case from Larong Wuming Buddhist Academy[J]. Journal of Vacation Marketing, 2022, 28 (4): 469-485 Corresponding Author
Xue Zhang, Li Cheng* , Lijun Liu. Coronavirus-induced self-focused adaptation efforts in tourism: asymmetric modelling approach[J]. Current Issues in Tourism, 2022, 25 (17): 2870-2886 Corresponding Author
WHMS Samarathunga, Li Cheng*, Prageeth Weerathunga. Buddhist gaze and power in a post-war destination: case study of Jaffna, Sri Lanka[J]. Journal of Tourism and Cultural Change, 2021,19 (5): 654-680 Corresponding Author
Li Cheng, Jun Zhang. Is tourism development a catalyst of economic recovery following natural disaster? An analysis of economic resilience and spatial variability[J]. Current Issues in Tourism, 2020,23 (20):2602-2623
Li Cheng, Jun Zhang. Assessment of coupling coordination between tourism development and economic growth after the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake: Beichuan, China[J]. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 2020, 25(6): 592-609
Ruwan Ranasinghe, Li Cheng. Tourism-Driven Mobilities: Scale Development Approach in Postwar Growth Setting in Sri Lanka[J]. International Journal of Asian Business and Information Management, 2020, 11(3):119-134
Ruwan Ranasinghe, Li Cheng*. Tourism-induced mobilities and transformation of indigenous cultures: where is the Vedda community in Sri Lanka heading to?[J]. Journal of Tourism and Cultural Change, 2018, 16(5): 521-538 Corresponding Author
Li Cheng. Public Reaction to Large-Scale Projects in Chinese Heritage Sites and Its Impact on Decision-Making: Research Framework, Technological Path, and Prospects. International Journal of Services Technology and Management[J]. 2011, 15(1-2): 147-160
Li Cheng, Tingzhi Wang. Analysis on the Future Policy Tendency of Ecotourism Management Based on the Appropriation of Benefits in Western China[J]. Society & Natural Resources, 2010, 23(2): 128-145;
Li Cheng. The Effect of Public Participation on Resource Exploitation in Heritage Sites and National Parks: Case Study of Western China[J]. Int. J. of Services Technology and Management, 2010,13(3/4): 263-280
4. 部分中文学术论文:
程励,李珍芳,祁杉. 世界遗产旅游者环境责任行为的构成维度及形成逻辑:基于青城山-都江堰世界文化遗产地的实证研究[J]. 旅游科学,2024(录用)
程励,王云朗,尚钰斐,崔璨.休闲制约视域下宠物主人携宠休闲参与影响因素的复杂性研究[J]. 人文地理,2024(录用)
王美玉,程励*,刘勇,陈飞凤,王云朗. 山在那里:山地探险者内驱力及其探险行为意向影响机制[J].旅游学刊,2024,39(2):103-120通讯作者
王哲, 何飞, 程励. 短视频传播在高校形象塑造与公共管理中的应用研究—以抖音平台为例[J]. 电子科技大学学报(社科版),2024,26(4):37-44.
“都江堰水利工程的管理学问题研究”课题组.都江堰千年延续的管理解码:重大工程可持续发展视角[J].管理世界,2023,39(4):175-195. 执笔者之一
巨英英,程励*.文化遗产地旅游社区居民遗产责任行为的形成机制——基于模糊集定性比较分析[J].自然资源学报,2023, 38(5): 1135-1149通讯作者
凌欢,程励*,赵晨月,李胜兰,卫梦隐.寓责于游:旅游者的遗产责任行为形成机制研究[J].旅游科学,2021,35(2):30-51 通讯作者
许娟,程励*.复杂性视角下乡村旅游地居民旅游满意度研究[J].人文地理,2020,35(6):149-160 通讯作者
范香花, 程励*. 共享视角下乡村旅游社区居民旅游支持度的复杂性——基于 fsQCA 方法的分析[J]. 旅游学刊, 2020, 35(4): 36-50 通讯作者
张俊,程励*. 常规突发事件与中国入境旅游人数的动态演进及空间效应[J]统计与决策,2019(4):101-104 通讯作者
高春留,程励*,程德强.基于“产村景”一体化的乡村融合发展模式研究——以武胜县代沟村为例[J].农村经济问题,2019(5):90-97 通讯作者
程励, 陆佑海, 李登黎, 蒋晓婷.儒家文化视域下美食旅游目的地品牌个性及影响[J]. 旅游学刊,2018 ,33 (1): 25-41
程励,张同颢,付阳. 城市居民雾霾天气认知及其对城市旅游目的地选择倾向影响[J]. 旅游学刊,2015 ,30 (10):37-47
甘露,蔡尚伟,程励.“美丽中国”视野下的中国城市建设水平评价——基于省会和副省级城市的比较研究[J]. 思想战线,2013,39(4):143-148
程励. 非常规突发事件影响下遗产旅游研究的“后危机”聚焦[J]. 旅游学刊,2012,27(6):3-4
杨旭煜,李如嘉,程励,刘生建,熊跃武.四川唐家河国家级自然保护区生态旅游发展战略研究[J]. 四川动物,2006(1):72-75.
程励,李仕明.基于公众压力下景区资源的开发与管理[J].数量经济技术经济研究,2005, 22(2):56-63.
5. 主要奖励:
学术论文Analysis on the Future Policy Tendency of Ecotourism Management Based on the Appropriation of Benefits in Western China获得原国家旅游局优秀旅游学术成果二等奖(2012年);
担任SSCI及SCI国际重要学术期刊审稿人,期刊包括:Annals of Tourism Research、Tourism Management、International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management、Habitat International、Society & Natural Resources、Tourism Review、Tourism Management Perspectives、Museum Management and Curatorship、Journal of Destination Marketing & Management、Current Issues in Tourism、Land Use Policy、Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research、Journal of Tourism and Cultural Change、Journal of Electronic Commerce Research、Mountain Research and Development、Environmental Management,及国内《旅游学刊》、《旅游科学》、《人文地理》等著名刊物审稿人,也是Routledge、Emerald国际出版机构和中国国家出版基金学术专著评审人。
在International Conference on Tourism(希腊)、International Conference of World Association for Sustainable Development(英国)等国际会议中担任学术委员(Scientific Committee),连续六届在战略管理国际会议(International Conference on Strategic Management)的旅游、环境及休闲分会中担任组织人,并十余次受邀在国际学术会议上做主旨演讲。
A Brave and True Heart is the Most Admirable Thing on Earth.
Updated Aug. 2024
Academic Vita
Prof. Dr. CHENG, Li
Department of Tourism and Landscape Studies
Sichuan University
Chengdu, Sichuan, 610064
P.R. China.
Email: chengli@scu.edu.cn; chenglibox@163.com
Professor, Department of Tourism and Landscape Studies, Sichuan University; Institute for Disaster Management and Reconstruction, Sichuan University
Editor-in-Chief, International Journal of Tourism Anthropology
Visiting Scholar, Department of Geography and Environmental Management, University of Waterloo, Canada (2010- 2011)
Visiting Professor, Purdue Tourism & Hospitality Research
Center, College of Health & Human Sciences, Purdue University, USA (October 2010)
Department of Economics, University of Barcelona, Spain (September 2013)
Honour Visiting Professor, Uva Wellassa University(UWU), Sri Lanka (August, 2015)
Committee Member, Tourism Geography Committee, The Geographical Society of China (GSC)
Director, China-Sri Lanka International Center for Interdisciplinary Culture Heritage & Tourism Research(SCU-UWU)
Sustainable Tourism; Tourism Anthropology; Heritage Tourism; Smart Tourism; Adventure Tourism; Rural Tourism; Travel and Immigration; Tourism and Health; Tourism Economics; Cultural Industry; Dark Tourism; Ecotourism; Research Methodology
LIU Yong, CHENG Li. Oral History of Mountain Expeditions in Siguniang Mountain (Volumes I & II)[M]. Hualing Publishing House, 2022.
CHENG Li, etc. System Evolution, Industry Convergence and Value Sharing in Holistic Tourism. Beijing: Science Press, 2021.
CHENG Li, LUO Pian. Mountain-Based Adventure Tourism and the Adventure’s Decision-Making Process. Beijing: Science Press, 2016.
CHENG Li. Research on Stakeholders Harmonious Development in Ecotourism Frangible Areas. Chengdu: Sichuan University Press, 2008.
CHENG Li and JIN Pei. Creativity: When East Meets West (Edited by Sing Lau, Anna N N Hui and Grace Y C Ng). Singapore, World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd, 2004. (226 Pages) Translation from English to Chinese. Sichuan People's Press, 2016
1. Journal Papers (English):
Lijun Liu, Li Cheng*, Xueying Qu. From existential anxiety to post-traumatic growth: The stranded traveler during the pandemic outbreak[J]. Annals of Tourism Research 2023(99) :103548 Corresponding Author
Li Cheng, Lijun Liu. Exploring posttraumatic growth after the COVID-19 pandemic[J]. Tourism Management, 2022(90) ,104474
Xue Zhang, Li Cheng*, Guoshuai Ma. Eliciting eudaimonic well-being in the tourism experiential space: Evidence from online reviews[J]. Tourism Management, 2024(105),104955 Corresponding Author
Li Cheng , Juan Xu. Benefit-sharing and residents’ subjective well-being in rural tourism: An asymmetric approach[J]. Journal of Destination Marketing & Management, 2021(21), 100631
Chunliu Gao, Li Cheng*. Tourism-driven rural spatial restructuring in the metropolitan fringe: An empirical observation[J]. Land Use Policy, 2020, 95(6) :104609 Corresponding Author
W.H.M.S Samarathunga, Li Cheng*.Tourist gaze and beyond: state of the art[J]. Tourism Review, 2021, 76 (2) :344-357 Corresponding Author
X. H.M.S.Samarathunga Li Cheng* P.R.Weerathunga. Transitional domestic tourist gaze in a post-war destination: A case study of Jaffna, Sri Lanka[J]. Tourism Management Perspectives, 2020, 35(7): 100693 Corresponding Author
Li Cheng, Jun Li, Huan Ling, Grece Wei, Mou Lunchao, Geoffrey Wall. Sustainable Livelihoods Following an Extreme Event: Post-earthquake Practices of the Tibetan Community in Jiuzhaigou World Heritage Site, China[J]. Sustainable Development, 2024(Accepted)
Li Cheng, Jiawen Tian. Exploring the Impact of Digital Economy on Tourism Employment[J]. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology,2024(Accepted)
Xiurong Wei, Pian Pu, Cheng, Li Cheng, Haiyue Jiang, Yong Liu.Ethnic community's perception of benefit-sharing and participation intentions in national park tourism in China: An asymmetric modeling approach[J]. Ecological Indicators, 2024(166):112257
Li Cheng, Meiyu Wang, Tingting Wang, Yifan Wang, Xue Zhang, Geoffrey Wall. Authenticity, ethics and restoration of an earthquake-modified landscape: Jiuzhaigou World Natural Heritage Site[J]. Current Issues in Tourism, 2024, DOI10.1080/13683500.2024.2303625
Lunchao Mou, Li Cheng*, Geoffrey Wall. Place making, authenticity and behavioral intentions in a Chinese "ancient" town[J].Tourism Review, 2024, 79 (7) :1330-1360 Corresponding Author
Mengxia Cui, Li Cheng*, Shang, Yufe.The influence of experiencescape of home-based accommodation on tourists' subjective well-being at cultural heritage sites: The role of value co-creation[J].Journal of Destination Marketing & Management, 2024(31), 100845 Corresponding Author
Li Cheng, Pian Pu; Xue Zhang, Meiyu Wang, Tingting Wang, Youhai Lu, Geoffrey Wall. Tourists' psychological reactions and destination attachment following an earthquake in Jiuzhaigou, China[J]. Current Issues in Tourism, 2023,26 (22) :3686-3704
Jun Zhang, Li Cheng*. Post-disaster tourism development and scenario planning for the quality of life of residents[J].Tourism Review, 2023, 78(3): 907-926 Corresponding Author
Pian Pu, Li Cheng*, W Samarathunga, Geoffrey Wall. Tour guides’ sustainable tourism practices in host-guest interactions: when Tibet meets the west[J]. Tourism Review, 2023,78 (3):808-833 Corresponding Author
Chenyue Zhao, Li Cheng*. The influence of visitors' self-protective behaviors on social carrying capacity in museums during the COVID-19 pandemic[J]. Museum Management and Curatorship, 2023,38 (5):513-529 Corresponding Author
Lijun Liu, Xue Zhang, Li Cheng*. Antecedents and Impacts of the Pilgrimage Destination Personality in the Tibetan Region: Case from Larong Wuming Buddhist Academy[J]. Journal of Vacation Marketing, 2022, 28 (4): 469-485 Corresponding Author
Xue Zhang, Li Cheng* , Lijun Liu. Coronavirus-induced self-focused adaptation efforts in tourism: asymmetric modelling approach[J]. Current Issues in Tourism, 2022, 25 (17): 2870-2886 Corresponding Author
WHMS Samarathunga, Li Cheng*, Prageeth Weerathunga. Buddhist gaze and power in a post-war destination: case study of Jaffna, Sri Lanka[J]. Journal of Tourism and Cultural Change, 2021,19 (5): 654-680 Corresponding Author
Li Cheng, Jun Zhang. Is tourism development a catalyst of economic recovery following natural disaster? An analysis of economic resilience and spatial variability[J]. Current Issues in Tourism, 2020,23 (20):2602-2623
Li Cheng, Jun Zhang. Assessment of coupling coordination between tourism development and economic growth after the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake: Beichuan, China[J]. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 2020, 25(6): 592-609
Ruwan Ranasinghe, Li Cheng. Tourism-Driven Mobilities: Scale Development Approach in Postwar Growth Setting in Sri Lanka[J]. International Journal of Asian Business and Information Management, 2020, 11(3):119-134
Ruwan Ranasinghe, Li Cheng*. Tourism-induced mobilities and transformation of indigenous cultures: where is the Vedda community in Sri Lanka heading to?[J]. Journal of Tourism and Cultural Change, 2018, 16(5): 521-538 Corresponding Author
Li Cheng. Public Reaction to Large-Scale Projects in Chinese Heritage Sites and Its Impact on Decision-Making: Research Framework, Technological Path, and Prospects. International Journal of Services Technology and Management[J]. 2011, 15(1-2): 147-160
Li Cheng, Tingzhi Wang. Analysis on the Future Policy Tendency of Ecotourism Management Based on the Appropriation of Benefits in Western China[J]. Society & Natural Resources, 2010, 23(2): 128-145;
Li Cheng. The Effect of Public Participation on Resource Exploitation in Heritage Sites and National Parks: Case Study of Western China[J]. Int. J. of Services Technology and Management, 2010,13(3/4): 263-280
2. Journal Papers (Chinese):
Cheng Li, Li Zhenfang, Qi Shan. The Composition Dimensions and Formation Logic of Environmental Responsibility Behavior of World Heritage Tourists: An Empirical Study Based on the Qingcheng Mountain-Dujiangyan World Cultural Heritage Site[J]. Tourism Science, 2024 (Accepted).
Cheng Li, Wang Yunlang, Shang Yufei, Cui Can.The Complexity of Influencing Factors on Pet Owners' Participation in Leisure under Leisure Constraints[J]. Human Geography, 2024 (Accepted).
Wang Meiyu, Cheng Li*, Liu Yong, Chen Feifeng, Wang Yunlang. The Mountain is There: The Intrinsic Motivation of Mountain Adventurers and the Mechanism of Its Impact on Their Adventurous Behavior Intentions[J]. Tourism Tribune, 2024, 39(2): 103-120. Corresponding Author.
Wang Zhe, He Fei, Cheng Li. Research on the Application of Short Video Communication in University Image Shaping and Public Management—Taking Douyin Platform as an Example[J]. Journal of University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (Social Science Edition), 2024, 26(4): 37-44.
Research Group on "Management Issues of Dujiangyan Water Conservancy Project".Management Decoding of Dujiangyan's Millennia-long Continuity: A Perspective on the Sustainable Development of Major Projects[J]. Management World, 2023, 39(4): 175-195. (One of the authors).
Ju Yingying, Cheng Li*.The Formation Mechanism of Heritage Responsibility Behavior among Tourism Community Residents in Cultural Heritage Sites: Based on Fuzzy-set Qualitative Comparative Analysis[J]. Journal of Natural Resources, 2023, 38(5): 1135-1149. Corresponding Author.
Cheng Li, Wang Meiyu, Tang Fenglian, et al. Emotional Touchpoints, Emotional Responses, and Tourist Identity in Red Tourism Contexts: An Empirical Study Based on Samples from Five Red Tourism Sites[J]. Tourism Tribune, 2023, 38(7): 52-69.
Wang Xueji, Cheng Li*. Collaborative Tourism Development in Sichuan, Yunnan, and Tibet from the Perspective of "Road Studies"[J]. Tourism Tribune, 2023, 38(5): 12-14.
Ling Huan, Cheng Li*.The Formation Mechanism of Regional Tourism Economic Differences from an Asymmetric Perspective: A Clear-set Qualitative Comparative Analysis Based on 31 Provinces[J]. Tourism Science, 2023, 37(4): 161-182. Corresponding Author.
Cheng Li, Wei Xiurong, Pu Pian. Analysis of the Impact of Farmers' Perceptions of Tourism Benefits and Costs in Ecological Corridors on Their Support[J]. Rural Economy, 2023(4): 137-144.
Cheng Li, Chen Shuomei, Tong Jiejie, Xu Juan. The Complexity of the Impact of National and Destination Images along the "Belt and Road" on Inbound Tourism Intentions—A Case Study of Sri Lanka[J]. Journal of Sichuan Normal University (Natural Science Edition), 2023, 46(4): 547-559.
Mou Lunchao, Cheng Li*. Place Making in "Ancient" Town Tourism from the Perspective of Space Production: A Case Study of Enshi Tujia Daughter City[J]. Tourism Tribune, 2022, 38(3): 107-124. Corresponding Author.
Cheng Li*.The Complexity of Leisure Involvement, Leisure Benefits, and Life Satisfaction of People with Disabilities[J]. Journal of Sichuan Normal University (Natural Science Edition), 2021, 44(6): 720-733+708.
Ju Yingying, Cheng Li*.The Mechanism of Satisfaction with Beautiful Countryside Construction in Revolutionary Base Areas—An Empirical Study Based on Zuoyuan County in Shanxi Province[J]. Journal of Northwest Normal University (Natural Science Edition), 2021, 57(5): 96-103. Corresponding Author.
Cheng Li, Zhao Chenyue. The Impact of Tourists' Psychological Carrying Capacity in Outdoor Scenic Spots in the Context of COVID-19—An Empirical Study Based on a Visual Behavior Experiment[J]. Tourism Tribune, 2021, 36(8): 27-40.
Cheng Li, Xu Juan, Liu Yong. The Complexity of Support among Ecotourism Community Residents under the Background of Rail Transit Construction—An Empirical Study Based on Siguniangshan Town[J]. Journal of Shanxi Normal University (Social Science Edition), 2021, 48(4): 55-64.
Ling Huan, Cheng Li*, Zhao Chenyue, Li Shenglan, Wei Mengyin.The Formation Mechanism of Tourists' Heritage Responsibility Behavior: An Analysis Based on Fuzzy-set Qualitative Comparative Analysis[J]. Tourism Science, 2021, 35(2): 30-51. Corresponding Author.
Xu Juan, Cheng Li*.The Complexity of Residents' Tourism Satisfaction in Rural Tourism Destinations from a Complexity Perspective[J]. Human Geography, 2020, 35(6): 149-160. Corresponding Author.
Fan Xianghua, Cheng Li*.The Complexity of Residents' Support for Tourism in Rural Tourism Communities from a Sharing Perspective—An Analysis Based on fsQCA[J]. Tourism Tribune, 2020, 35(4): 36-50. Corresponding Author.
Zhang Jun, Cheng Li*. Tourism Development and Residents' Happiness: A System Dynamics Perspective[J]. Tourism Tribune, 2019, 34(8): 12-24. Corresponding Author.
Zhang Jun, Cheng Li*.The Dynamic Evolution and Spatial Effects of Regular Emergencies and China's Inbound Tourism Numbers[J]. Statistics and Decision Making, 2019(4): 101-104. Corresponding Author.
Gao Chunliu, Cheng Li*, Cheng Deqiang. Research on the Integrated Development Model of Rural Areas Based on "Production, Village, and Scenery Integration"—A Case Study of Daigou Village in Wusheng County[J]. Issues in Agricultural Economy, 2019(5): 90-97. Corresponding Author.
Fan Xianghua, Huang Jingbo, Cheng Li, Huang Huijie.The Impact Mechanism of Ecotourists' Tourism Involvement on Environmental Friendly Behavior[J]. Economic Geography, 2019, 39(1): 225-232.
Cheng Li*, Lu Youhai, Li Dengli, Jiang Xiaoting. The Personality of Food Tourism Destinations and Its Influence from a Confucian Cultural Perspective[J]. Tourism Tribune, 2018, 33(1): 25-41.
Fan Xianghua, Huang Jingbo, Cheng Li.The Formation Mechanism of Environmentally Friendly Behavior of Residents in Ecotourism Destinations—A Case Study of Dongjiang Lake National Scenic Area[J]. Economic Geography, 2016, 36(12): 177-182+188.
Cheng Li, Zhang Tonghao, Fu Yang. Urban Residents' Perceptions of Haze Weather and Its Impact on Their Urban Tourism Destination Choice Tendency[J]. Tourism Tribune, 2015, 30(10): 37-47.
Cheng Li, Zhang Tonghao, Liao Xiaoping.The Internal Mechanism of Travel Decision-Making for People with Disabilities—Based on the Theory of Learned Helplessness and Negotiation Theory[J]. Tourism Science, 2015, 29(6): 15-33.
Gan Lu, Cai Shangwei,Cheng Li.Evaluation of Urban Construction Levels in China under the Vision of "Beautiful China"—A Comparative Study Based on Provincial Capitals and Sub-provincial Cities[J]. Ideological Front, 2013, 39(4): 143-148.
Research Group of Sichuan University Institute of Social Development and Western Development, Cai Shangwei, Cheng Li.Research Report on the Construction Level of Provincial Regions under the Vision of "Beautiful China" (2012)[J]. Western Development Review, 2013(4): 1-11.
Cheng Li.Post-crisis Focus of Heritage Tourism Research under the Impact of Unconventional Emergencies[J]. Tourism Tribune, 2012, 27(6): 3-4.
Cheng Li.The Interaction Mechanism and Realization Path between Resource Development and Public Participation in Western Heritage Sites[J]. Western Development Studies, 2012(4): 159-167.
Jiang Ke, Cheng Li, Li Shiming, Yang Zaihui. The Cultural Impact of Unconventional Emergencies on Tourism Cities and Their Reconstruction[J]. Management World, 2009(12): 7-10.
Zhou Bingqi, Cheng Li.Research on the Heritage and Protection of Ethnic Music in the "Tibetan-Yi Corridor"[J]. Yunnan Social Sciences, 2007(2): 109-112.
Cheng Li, Li Wei, Li Shengzhi. Research on Small-Scale Control Models for Tourism Development in China's Nature Reserves[J]. Human Geography, 2006, 22(2): 53-57.
Cheng Li, Li Shiming. An Analysis of Conservation Policies for Scenic Rivers in Western China[J]. Chinese Journal of Management, 2006, 3(1): 204-210.
Yang Xuyu, Li Rujia, Cheng Li, Liu Shengjian, Xiong Yuewu. Strategic Research on Ecotourism Development in Sichuan Tangjiahe National Nature Reserve[J]. Sichuan Journal of Zoology, 2006(1): 72-75.
Cheng Li, Li Shiming. Resource Development and Management in Scenic Areas under Public Pressure[J]. The Journal of Quantitative & Technical Economics, 2005, 22(2): 56-63.
3. Conference Presentations, Papers & Book Chapters:
CHENG Li. The restoration of earthquake-damaged landscapes and observations on authenticity in World Natural Heritage Sites: A case study of Jiuzhaigou, 2022 Annual Academic Conference of the Tourism Geography Specialty Committee of the Geographical Society of China, September 2022 (Keynote Speech).
CHENG Li. The destination image construction & dissemination in Heizhu Valley: the perspective from big data, International Summit Forum on Heizhu Valley Adventure and Exploration, January 2022(Keynote Speech)
CHENG Li. Traveller Stranding, Posttraumatic Growth and Tourism Revitalization under the Impact of COVID-19,2021 Belt and Road Tourism International Symposium, December 3, Beijing, 2021(Keynote Speech)
CHENG Li. Mountain Tourism and Community Development: Lessons from the Himalayas, Smart Community of Tourism (SCoT) Webinar International Conference, July 10, 2021 (Moderator)
CHENG Li. Way Climb Mountain Siguniang? The complex behavior mechanisms of mountain adventurers based on the internal drive observation,The 5th Mountain Siguniang Outdoor Experts Academic Summit, November, Chengdu, 2021(Keynote Speech)
CHENG Li. Community-Based Tourism and Poverty Alleviation Practices Supported by Non-Profit Organizations, Smart Community of Tourism (SCoT) Webinar International Conference, December 15, 2020 (Keynote Speech).
CHENG Li. Epidemic, stranded travel and post-traumatic growth, The 10th China-Spain International Conference on Tourism and Hospitality, November, Shanghai, 2020(Keynote Speech)
CHENG Li.The Personality of Mountain Adventurer and the Safety Consciousness: Based on Mixed Methods Approach, The 4th Summit Conference on Sikula Mountain Outdoor, October, 2020(Keynote Speech)
CHENG Li. Value Sharing & Impact of Ethnologic Community in Mt. Siguliang Based on Rapid Development of Mountain Tourism:Perspective from Complex theory The 3th Mountain Siguniang Outdoor Experts Academic Summit, October, Chengdu, 2019(Keynote Speech)
PU Pian, CHENG Li*. Mountain Adventurer’s Personality Trait and Decision-making based on Complexity method: The Process and Effect[C]. Proceedings of 2019 International Conference on Strategic Management, Sichuan University Press, 2019
XU Juan, CHENG Li*.Research on the Residents’ Support for Intercity Railway in Rural Tourism Destinations: Multiple Regression Analysis and fsQCA Findings[C]. Proceedings of 2019 International Conference on Strategic Management, Sichuan University Press, 2019
ZHANG Xue, CHENG Li*.Research on the Supporting of Destination Community Residents from the Perspective of Tourism Sharing[C]. Proceedings of 2019 International Conference on Strategic Management, Sichuan University Press, 2019
CHENG Li. Research on the space production of tourism community in China Beautiful Village —Grounded theory study in Qingganshu Village. The 7th Sino-European Tourism Forum and 12th international Conference on Tourism Development and Trend for Commission of Tourism Geography, Geographical Society of China, July 6 to 8, 2018, Lingbo City, China.(Keynote Speech)
CHENG Li. Why we need a new storytelling of mainland cultural and heritage destination for Taiwan youth? Based on social representation structure theory research. International Research Symposium. January 19-20, beat·365(中国)唯一官方网站 版权所有 Badulla City, Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka. (Keynote Speech)
CHENG Li. The Strategy of Beautiful Village and the Sustainable Development of Rural Tourism in China: Based on the Study of Villagers’ Perceptions. The 3rd International Conference of Agricultural Sciences-Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, December 8th, 2016, Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka.(Presentation)
LI Yang, CHENG Li. Female Employees’ Dignity at Work in Recreation Industry: An Empirical Study of Female Foot Therapists in Changsha City[C]. Proceedings of 2016 International Conference on Strategic Management, Sichuan University Press, 2016
CHENG Li. Exploratory Study on the Tourist Psychological and Behavioral Impact Model in Tourist Cities of Major Disaster Areas: A Case Study of Dujiangyan City after the Wenchuan Earthquake[C]. Tourism Landscapes and Tourism Marginal Areas,China Tourism Press, 2014
CHENG Li, HUANG Li, CHEN Chen. Government Decision-making in Public Participation Behavior: Based on Role-playing and Simulation Research in the Perspective of Heritage Resources Development[C]. Proceedings of 2011 International Conference on Strategic Management. (pp.285-301), Sichuan University Press, 2011
FANF Jia,WU Chengzhao,Geoffrey Wall, Cheng Li . Comparison of Urban Residents’ Uses and Perceptions of Parks in Canada and China[C]. Proceedings of 2011 International Conference on Strategic Management(pp. 221-226), Sichuan University Press, 2011
CHENG Li and CHAO Yan. The Strategy of Governmental Public Relation and Marketing for the Destination Crisis[C]. Chengdu plain and Longmen Mountain: Environment, Sustainable development and Rebuilt after emergencies--Tourism Geography & Tourism Resource Development( Six Volume)(pp. 219-224), China Forestry Press, 2009 (Book Chapters, Chinese Paper)
CHENG Li, LI Shengzhi, TIAN Feng, and Gan Lu. A Dynamic Game Analysis on Property Right Management of Ecotourism Resource in China[C]. Proceedings of the Tourism and New Asia International Conference(pp. 51-60), Peking, China, 2006
CHENG Li. River, Scenery and Dam: Research on River Development & Protection Model of Developed Country and Region. Scientific Valley Development(pp.307-323), Huaxia Press 2005(Book Chapters, Chinese Paper)
CHENG Li, and LI Shiming. Research on Management Innovation of Resources in Scenic Spots of Western China Base on the Public Opinion Pressure. Proceedings of the Decision Sciences Institute's 2004 Annual Meeting(pp. 4641-4646).Boston, Massachusetts, USA, 2004
CHENG Li. Research on the Spatial Production of Tourism Communities in Beautiful Villages, National Social Science Fund of China (Post-Funded Project), 2021.
CHENG Li. Research on the Evolution of the All-for-One Tourism System, Industrial Integration, and Value Sharing, National Social Science Fund of China (Post-Funded Project), 2018
CHENG Li. Research on the Public Response to Resource Development in Heritage Sites and Its Impact Mechanism on Development Decision-Making Behavior, National Natural Science Foundation of China (Earth Sciences Department), 2009.
CHENG Li. Research on the Operation of Intangible Cultural Heritage Museum Scenarios and Their Heritage Effects, Sichuan Provincial Philosophy and Social Sciences Fund (Key Post-Funded Project), 2023.
CHENG Li. Research on the Mechanism of Rural Cultural Restoration and Tourism Industry Development Based on Nostalgic Memory, Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the People's Republic of China (General Project), 2018.
CHENG Li. New Pathways for the Development of All-for-One Tourism in Sichuan Province: A Study Based on System Evolution, Industrial Integration, and Value Sharing, Major Bidding Project of Sichuan Provincial Social Science Planning, beat·365(中国)唯一官方网站 版权所有
CHENG Li. Research on the Post-Earthquake Industrial Construction and Development of Tourism Cities in Sichuan: A Case Study of Dujiangyan City, Sichuan Provincial Science and Technology Program, 2010.
CHENG Li. Research on the Harmonious Development of Tourism in Tibetan Areas of Sichuan, Sichuan Provincial Philosophy and Social Sciences Research Youth Project, 2007.
CHENG Li. The Influence of the Giant Panda Image on the Economic Contribution of Tourism and Related Industries - Evidence from Sichuan Province, P. R. China, UK Government’s Global Opportunities Fund, 2008
CHENG Li. Research on the Complexity of Place Embedding, Evolution, and Its Iteration Process in Cultural and Creative Blocks, Sichuan University, 2021.
CHENG Li. Research on the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Chengdu's Cultural Tourism Industry and the Optimization of Decision-Making, Chengdu Science and Technology Bureau, 2020.
CHENG Li. Research on the Decision-Making Mechanism and Optimization of Travelers’ Social Assistance, Psychological and Behavioral Regulation During the Pandemic, Sichuan University, 2020.
CHENG Li. Research on Industries’ Synergy, Value Sharing, and Community Sustainable Livelihood of Holistic Tourism, Sichuan University, 2018.
WEI Ke, CHENG Li. Study on the Space Culture and Significance of Traditional Streets in Sichuan and Chongqing, National Social Science Foundation of China, beat·365(中国)唯一官方网站 版权所有
CHENG Li. Frontier in Tourism Anthropology, Sichuan University, 2016.
HU Ang, CHENG Li. A Comparative Study of the Spatial Patterns and Cultural Implications of Historical & Cultural Villages and Towns in Tibetan Areas, National Social Science Foundation of China, 2015.
CHENG Li. The Disabled Tourism Motivation and Behavior Research: Based on the Social Conflict Theory, Humanities & Social Sciences Key Base: Sichuan Tourism Development Center, 2013.
CHENG Li. The Destination Cognition and Intention of Heritage Tourists after Unconventional Emergencies, Sichuan Provincial Science and Technology Leading Scholar Cultivating Fund, 2012.
CHENG Li. Outstanding Youth Foundation, Sichuan University, 2011.
CHENG Li. Development Model of Small Towns in Chengdu City, State Capital Committee of Chengdu, 2009
ZHOU Bingqi, CHENG Li. Wenchuan Folk Music Heritage Protection and Inheritance after Disaster, Sichuan Humanities & Social Sciences Key Base: Folk Culture Research Center, 2008.
CHENG Li. Research on Tourism Harmonious Development in Natural Heritage: A Case Study of Sichuan Panda Habitats, Humanities & Social Sciences Key Base: Sichuan Tourism Development Center, 2007.
CHENG Li. Tourism Harmonious Development in Sichuan Tibetan Area, Philosophy & Social Science Planning Project, Government of Sichuan Province, 2007.
CHENG Li. Tourism Development and Its Harmonious System in Tibet, Sub-project of the Humanities & Social Sciences Key Base of the Ministry of Education of P. R China, 2007.
CHENG Li. Research on Stakeholders' Harmonious Development in Ecotourism Fragile Areas, Sichuan University, 2007.
SHI Yingping, CHENG Li. Research on the Tourism Information Development of Sichuan Province, Sichuan Tourism Bureau, 2004.
WANG Tingzhi, Shi Yingping, CHENG Li. Tibet Ngari Education Development Plan, Economy and Trade Committee of Tibet, 2002.
1. Journal Reviewer
Annals of Tourism Research
Tourism Management
Tourism Management Perspectives
International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management
Habitat International
Tourism Review
Museum Management and Curatorship
Journal of Destination Marketing & Management
Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research
Land Use Policy
Society & Natural Resources
Current Issues in Tourism
Environmental Management
Mountain Research and Development
Journal of Electronic Commerce Research.
Int. J. of Services Technology and Management
Int. J. of Environmental Technology and Management
Tourism Tribune
Tourism Science
Human Geography
2. Book & Foundation Reviewer
Routledge (Geography and Tourism Books)
Emerald (Books)
National Publication Foundation of China
National Natural Science Foundation of China
National Science and Technology Publishing Foundation of China
National Post-Doctoral Foundation of China
Natural Science Foundation of Sichuan Province, China
Natural Science Foundation of Zhejiang Province, China
Natural Science Foundation of Fujian Province, China
1. Undergraduate Courses Taught
Tourism and Leisure Research Methodology, Leisure Culture, Tourism Management Information System, Tourism Geography, Tourism Policy, Ecotourism.
2. Ph.D Courses Taught
Sustainable Tourism, Heritage Developemt & Effection.
3. Supervising Work (2006 Sep. --2024 Feb.)
107 graduate students (Including Ph.D & Master students, 9 international students), among whom 11 have obtained their PhD degrees and 72 have obtained their Master's degrees.
5 visiting scholars (Including International Fulbright Scholar & Domestic)
1. Monograph "Research on the Evolution of Holistic Tourism Systems, Industrial Integration, and Value Sharing," awarded Third Prize in the 20th Sichuan Provincial Excellent Achievements in Philosophy and Social Sciences (2023).
2. Academic Paper "Analysis on the Future Policy Tendency of Ecotourism Management Based on the Appropriation of Benefits in Western China," awarded Second Prize in the National Tourism Administration's Excellent Tourism Academic Achievements (2012).
3. Monograph "Research on Harmonious Development of Stakeholders in Ecotourism Fragile Areas," awarded Third Prize in the 14th Sichuan Provincial Excellent Achievements in Philosophy and Social Sciences (2010).
4. Project Report "Construction and Practice of a Top-Level Innovative Talent Cultivation System for Tourism Management in Research Universities," awarded Third Prize in the 8th Sichuan Provincial Teaching Achievement Award and First Prize in the Sichuan University Teaching Achievement Award (2017).
5. Outstanding Master's Thesis Supervisor, Sichuan University (2022).
6. Outstanding Master's Thesis Supervisor, School of History and Culture (Tourism School, School of Archaeology and Museology), Sichuan University (2022, 2023, 2024).
7. Third Prize for Outstanding Undergraduate Thesis Supervisor, Sichuan University (2010, 2012, 2017, 2022).
8. Recipient of the Huake Teaching Award, School of History and Culture, Sichuan University (2024).
9. Recipient of the Li Jingmei Excellent Research Award, School of History and Culture (Tourism School), Sichuan University (2017).
10. Recipient of the Everest Teaching Award (Zhu Feng Award) from the School of History and Culture (Tourism School), Sichuan University (2018, 2020); recognized as an Outstanding Researcher.
11. Recipient of the Important Achievements Award in Philosophy and Social Sciences, Sichuan University (2019, 2022).
12. Academic Paper "Emotional Labor of Giant Pandas from the Perspective of Animal Consumption: Complex Effects and Influence Process," awarded Best Conference Paper at the 2024 Annual Meeting of Tourism Science.
13. Outstanding Reviewer for the Journal of Tourism Science (2023 Annual Award, received in 2024).
14. Academic Paper "Informal Employment and Perception of Decent Work in Mountain Tourism: A Grounded Study Based on Tibetan Communities in Siguniangshan Town," awarded Excellent Conference Presentation at the 2024 Annual Meeting of the Tourism Geography Committee of the Geographical Society of China.
15. Academic Paper "Customer Experience Value Formation and Influence Mechanism Driven by Mountain Tourism: A Case Study of Homestays in Siguniangshan Town," awarded Best Presentation at the 2024 International Academic Conference on Sustainable Development of Mountain Tourism and National Parks.
16. Academic Paper "The Mountain is There: Research on the Intrinsic Motivation of Mountain Adventure Tourists," awarded Excellent Conference Presentation at the 2023 Annual Meeting of the Tourism Geography Committee of the Geographical Society of China.
17. Academic Paper "Tourists' Heritage Responsibility Behavior Formation Mechanism in Educational Tourism," selected as a Highly Cited Paper in the Journal of Tourism Science (2022), recognized in 2023.
18. Academic Paper "Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Tourists' Psychological Carrying Capacity in Outdoor Scenic Spots: An Empirical Study Based on Visual Behavior Experiments," awarded Outstanding Paper by the Journal of Tourism Tribune (2021), recognized in 2022.
19. Academic Paper "Place-Making in 'Ancient' Town Tourism from the Perspective of Space Production: A Case Study of Enshi Tujia Daughter City," awarded Best Conference Paper at the 2021 China Tourism Research Annual Meeting, Journal of Tourism Tribune.
20. Academic Paper "Tourism Development and Residents' Happiness: A System Dynamics Perspective," awarded Outstanding Paper by the Journal of Tourism Tribune (2019), recognized in 2020.
21. Academic Paper "Post-Traumatic Growth of Stranded Travelers During Major Epidemics: A Grounded Study Based on SOR Theory," awarded Best Conference Paper at the 2020 China Tourism Research Annual Meeting, Journal of Tourism Tribune.
22. Research Report "In-depth Development and Promotion of Rural Tourism in Sichuan" and Academic Paper "The Theory of Interest Balance for Harmonious Development of Rural Tourism in Sichuan," respectively awarded the First Prize (2007) and Second Prize (2008) at the First and Second China Urban and Rural Construction Achievement Awards, Sichuan University.
23. Recipient of the First-Class Scholarship for Doctoral Students, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (2004).
1. Outdoor Exploration and Hiking.
2. Year-Round Outdoor Swimming.
A Brave and True Heart is the Most Admirable Thing on Earth.