简 介
黄丹,博士,beat365特聘副研究员。黄丹于2021年获得澳大利亚格里菲斯大学哲学博士学位,并分别于2017年和2013年获得beat365硕士和beat365学士学位。黄丹热衷于科学研究,追求原创,并立志成为一位具有社会责任感的学者。她主要致力于旅游创新、技术发展和消费者行为改变的研究,特别是旅游和接待业中消费者的创新抗拒研究。黄丹具备扎实的方法论基础,熟练掌握定性、定量以及混合研究方法,并取得了丰富的科研成果,其博士论文获得TTRA(Travel and Tourism Research Association,旅行和旅游研究协会)颁发的Keeling Award 2022 (基林博士论文奖2022)。黄丹发表SSCI论文10余篇,其中以第一作者或通讯作者身份发表SSCI Q1级别(川大社科A)论文7篇。黄丹也担任诸如Tourism Management, International Journal of Hospitality Management, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Journal of Business Research等多个期刊的匿名审稿人。
博士研究生 (2017-2021) 澳大利亚格里菲斯大学 (旅游和酒店管理全球前五);
硕士研究生 (2013-2017) beat365;
本科 (2009-2013) beat365
Kong, S., Gao, J., Huang, D.*. (2022). The girlfriend getaway as an intimacy. Annals of Tourism Research, 92, 103337. (SSCI Q1, IF: 9.011, 旅游管理三大顶刊之一) *通讯作者
Huang, D.*, Jin, X., & Coghlan, A. (2021). Advances in consumer innovation resistance research: A review and research agenda. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 166, 120594. (SSCI, Q1, IF: 8.593, Regional and Urban Planning类别中影响因子排名第一)
Huang, D., Chen, Q., Huang, J., Kong S., Li, Z. (2021). Customer-robot interactions: Understanding customer experience with service robots. International Journal of Hospitality Management. 99, 103078. (SSCI Q1, IF: 9.237, 酒店管理排名第一顶刊)
Xu, X., Huang, D.*, Chen, Q. (2021). Stress and coping among micro-entrepreneurs of peer-to-peer accommodation. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 97, 103009. (SSCI Q1, IF: 9.237, 酒店管理排名第一顶刊) *通讯作者
Huang, D., Coghlan, A., & Jin, X. (2021). Crossing the chasm: resistance to and adoption of Airbnb by Chinese consumers. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 38(6), 597-621. (SSCI Q1, IF: 7.05)
Xu, X., Huang, D.*,Shang, X. (2021). Tourism e-commerce, tourism live-streamed shopping (TLSS), physical presence, social presence, consumers' purchasing behaviour. Tourism management perspective, 40, 100917. (SSCI Q1, IF: 6.586) *通讯作者
Huang, D.*, Coghlan, A., & Jin, X. (2020). Understanding the drivers of Airbnb discontinuance. Annals of Tourism Research, 80, 102798. (SSCI Q1, IF: 9.011, 旅游管理三大顶刊之一).
Huang, D., Liu, X., Lai, D., & Li, Z. (2019). Users and non-users of P2P accommodation: Differences in perceived risks and behavioral intentions. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology. 10(3), 369-382. (SSCI, Q2, IF: 4.26)
Liu, X., Huang, D., & Li, Z. (2018). Examining relationships among perceived benefit, tourist experience and satisfaction: The context of intelligent sharing bicycle. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 23(5), 437-449. (SSCI, Q3, IF: 3.677)
Huang, D., Li, Z., Mou, J., & Liu, X. (2017). Effects of flow on young Chinese consumers’ purchase intention: A study of e-servicescape in hotel booking context. Information Technology & Tourism, 17(2), 203-228. (SSCI, Q4, IF: 2.449)
TEQ Nature-Based Tourism,Tourism and Events Queensland 参与;
Commonwealth Games Community Engagement,Griffith University 参与
Dr. Dan Huang
Research Associate Professor Tourism School, Sichuan University
Email: dan.huang@scu.edu.cn
Personal Introduction
Dr. Dan Huang is a Research Associate Professor in the Tourism School at Sichuan University. She earned her PhD degree and served as a research assistant at Griffith University in Australia. Her PhD thesis won the TTRA (Travel and Tourism Research Association) Keeling Award 2022. Most of her professional time and academic enthusiasm have been dedicated to understanding behavioural change and technology development, especially consumer innovation resistance in the tourism and hospitality domain.
During her PhD journey, her academic skills have been sharpened well in both qualitative and quantitative studies. She possesses sound skills in content analysis, SPSS, Smart-PLS, Amos, and Cite-space. She also has excellent teamwork skills and has received great feedback from her teammates who appreciate her academic skills, personality, persistence, and patience. Meanwhile, she is committed to being a responsible researcher to advance knowledge development and focus on the practical issues the tourism and hospitality industry faces.
Areas of Research
Technology, innovation, resistance and social sustainability;
Artificial intelligence and service robots in tourism and hospitality;
Information technology and tourist behaviour;
Peer-to-peer accommodation and platform economy
Academic Qualifications
Ph.D. (2017-2021) Griffith University, Gold Coast, Australia;
M.A. (2013-2017) Sichuan University, Chengdu, China;
B.A. (2009-2013) Sichuan University, Chengdu, China
Kong, S., Gao, J., Huang, D.*. (2022). Girlfriend getaway as an intimacy. Annals of Tourism Research, 92, 103337.
Huang, D.*, Jin, X., & Coghlan, A. (2021). Advances in consumer innovation resistance research: A review and research agenda. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 166, 120594.
Huang, D., Chen, Q., Huang, J., Kong S., Li, Z. (2021). Customer-robot interactions: Understanding customer experience with service robots. International Journal of Hospitality Management. 99, 103078.
Xu, X., Huang, D.*, Chen, Q. (2021). Stress and coping among micro-entrepreneurs of peer-to-peer accommodation. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 97, 103009.
Huang, D., Coghlan, A., & Jin, X. (2021). Crossing the chasm: resistance to and adoption of Airbnb by Chinese consumers. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 38(6), 597-621.
Xu, X., Huang, D.*,Shang, X. (2021). Tourism e-commerce, tourism live-streamed shopping (TLSS), physical presence, social presence, consumers' purchasing behaviour. Tourism management perspective, 40, 100917.
Huang, D.*, Coghlan, A., & Jin, X. (2020). Understanding the drivers of Airbnb discontinuance. Annals of Tourism Research, 80, 102798.
Huang, D., Liu, X., Lai, D., & Li, Z. (2019). Users and non-users of P2P accommodation: Differences in perceived risks and behavioral intentions. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology. 10(3), 369-382.
Liu, X., Huang, D., & Li, Z. (2018). Examining relationships among perceived benefit, tourist experience and satisfaction: The context of intelligent sharing bicycle. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 23(5), 437-449.
Huang, D., Li, Z., Mou, J., & Liu, X. (2017). Effects of flow on young Chinese consumers’ purchase intention: A study of e-servicescape in hotel booking context. Information Technology & Tourism, 17(2), 203-228.
Participated in the TEQ (Tourism and Events Queensland) Nature-Based Tourism project;
Participated in the Commonwealth Games Community Engagement project.