于萌,beat365副教授,beat365-哈佛大学联合培养博士。研究领域主要集中在旅游与社交媒体,旅游危机以及旅游中社会网络研究等方面。在Tourism Management,International Journal of Hospitality Management等旅游类顶刊发表文章,也是Current Issues in Tourism等期刊匿名审稿人。主持国家自然科学基金青年项目,中国博士后科学基金,beat365专职博士后基金,国家旅游局“万名旅游英才计划”等。
2017-2018 beat365-哈佛大学 联合培养博士
2012-2018 beat365 硕博连读
2008-2012 beat365 学士
Consumer Behaviour, Tourism Marketing, Sustainable Tourism, 旅游消费者行为等
1. 主持国家自然科学基金青年项目(2021)
2. 主持中国博士后科学基金项目(2020)
3. Yu, M., Cheng, M., Yang, L., & Yu, Z. (2022). Hotel guest satisfaction during COVID-19 outbreak: The moderating role of crisis response strategy. Tourism Management, 93, 104618.
4. Li, Z., Yu, Z., Huang, S. S., Zhou, J., Yu, M*., & Gu, R. (2021). The effects of psychological capital, social capital, and human capital on hotel employees’ occupational stress and turnover intention. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 98, 103046.
5. Huang, S. S., Yu, Z., Shao, Y., Yu, M*., & Li, Z. (2020). Relative effects of human capital, social capital and psychological capital on hotel employees’ job performance. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management.
6. Yu, M., Li, Z., Yu, Z., He, J., & Zhou, J. (2020). Communication related health crisis on social media: a case of COVID-19 outbreak. Current Issues in Tourism, 1-7.
7. Yu, M., Cheng, M., Yu, Z., Tan, J., & Li, Z. (2020). Investigating Airbnb listings’ amenities relative to hotels. Current Issues in Tourism, 1-18.
8. Yu, M., Li, Z., & He, L. (2017). Composition and optimization of environmental protection policies in the tourism industry in China: based on metrical studies of co-word network. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 22(9), 922-935.
9. 贺腊梅,于萌 & 查建平.(2017). 基于BML生产率指数的中国旅游业能源效率评价与影响因素研究. 长江流域资源与环境(12),1991-2002.
Education Background
B.A. (Tourism Management), Sichuan University
Ph.D (Tourism Management), Sichuan University
A joint Ph.D (Anthropology) student, Harvard University
Research Areas
Tourism and social media, the application of social network in tourism research, tourism crisis.
Available Subjects
Consumer behaviour in tourism, Tourism Marketing, Tourism resource planning and development, Sustainable tourism.